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Farm Camp Cultivates a Unique Experience for Local Youth

Updated: May 16, 2024

Summer is approaching, which means it's almost time for Farm Camp at the Food Bank Farm! This unique program offers children a hands-on exploration of food systems, agriculture, and community involvement. Through interactive and engaging learning activities, participants emerge with a newfound understanding of their role in shaping a sustainable and compassionate future.

Farm Camp volunteer and Future Farmers of America member Aliyah Wong describes the camp as a chance to teach kids about farming in an immersive environment while fostering a connection to agriculture and food. She points out that food systems are not necessarily something people think of when it comes to local agriculture. 

Aliyah has volunteered at Farm Camp for several years, something she takes pride in: "I am very big on community service, and I like teaching people more about ag - things they didn't necessarily know before. I think it's important to know where your food comes from."

She particularly likes how Farm Camp integrates community values into the camp activities. Camp participants take a Food Bank tour and learn how the farm and Food Bank work together to help the community. The Food Bank Farm provides fresh produce to all residents in need. Last month alone, the farm grew over 300 pounds of fresh produce.

Each week at Farm Camp has a different theme, but the activities and primary curriculum are similar.  The camp is set up so children rotate activities and delve into various topics, such as seed germination, pollination, insect lifecycles, composting, garden care, and food preservation.

Farm Camp guarantees an adventurous and enriching summer experience for kids. It's a chance for them to explore exciting topics, get their hands dirty, and develop a deeper appreciation for the crucial role of agriculture in nourishing our communities.

Camp kicks off this summer with the first session June 12-14. Each session lasts three days and runs from 8:00 AM to 11:00 AM. Registration is open to students entering 1st to 5th grade in the 2024/2025 school year. 

Join the fun! Register for one week, or all three here: Farm Camp Registration


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